<BLOCK syntax>
<SET macroname1="macrovalue1" [macroname2="macrovalue2" ...] [GLOBAL]>
<BLOCK synopsis>
<STRONG>SET</STRONG> creates a macro definition that can later be expanded
anywhere in the HTML document. To create a macro:
<SET emailaddr="jnelson@crl.com">
The macro "emailaddr" can then be expanded later. The <A HREF="use.html">
USE</A> tag is used to expand the macro outside a tag (i.e., into the regular
text). If the macro needs to be expanded inside a markup tag, use the
<A HREF="use.html">'$'</A> operator.
Multiple macros can be declared in a single markup tag, as the second
syntax line shows.
SET should only be used for a single line's worth of text. Multi-line
macros can be defined with the <A HREF="block.html">BLOCK</A> tag. The
<A HREF="block.html">BLOCK</A> tag is also useful if the macro contains
a quotation character and you don't want to fool around with special
escape characters.
Macros can be redefined by using another SET command with the same macro
name. The prior definition will be destroyed, however. Also, the macro
can be removed (destroyed) with the <A HREF="unset.html">UNSET</A> tag.